Loss Prevention
JASE Security Services Ltd. proudly offers Loss Prevention Officers, trained to reduce preventable business losses caused by deliberate or inadvertent human action. Preventable losses affect the bottom line of a business directly, and the team at JASE Security Services Ltd. are committed to the protection of our local businesses. Our officers are geared toward eliminating preventable loss, and are available to protect your business in a variety of ways. JASE Security Services Ltd. officer can be stationed to monitor CCTV systems and mitigate losses directly, or as a uniformed Security Officer to patrol your property, both proactively and re-actively preventing losses while monitoring for vandalism, fire damage, and more, or as a plainclothes officer, interacting directly within the business to monitor for theft. As each client’s loss prevention needs are unique, we offer free site-specific evaluation to determine the level of presence needed to best protect each business, as well as the option to increase or decrease the amount of patrols as the customer sees fit.

What is Loss Prevention?
- Prevent the loss of inventory or monies in a retail environment.
- Developing a program around this concept will help you to reduce the opportunities
Why does a retailer need to understand loss prevention?
- Lost inventory requires replenishment at a cost to the retailer and lost monies
- The cost of these losses goes direct to the bottom line of a retail balance sheet causing lost profits
Jase's Uniformed Security are experienced and available to provide:
- Professional and courteous concierge work
- Experienced construction site and retail security
- Exceptional training for extraordinary guards
- Unparalleled customer service
- A strong visual deterrent to potential criminals